Flagg Miller on Hunger StrikesFor details, click here: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/isa/detail/event-detail/isa-online-guest-lecture-flagg-miller
More Yemeni Fellows 2021A meeting was held on Wednesday, August 4 at the AIYS premises for the second group of researchers receiving the 2021 AIYS fellowship...
Lecture on Ottoman YemenFor details on this talk and how to join, go here: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/isa/detail/event-detail/template-event-isa-international-gue...
Zooming Ludovico di Varthema in YemenPlease mark this talk on your calendars. Tomorrow, April 22nd at 12:25 PM (Central time), Dr. Lily Filson presents Ludovico de Varthema's...
Panel on Yemen ConflictThe British Yemeni Society is Hosting an online panel discussion entitled "Winding Down Yemen’s Civil War and Achieving Peace." You are...