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Zooming Ludovico di Varthema in Yemen

Please mark this talk on your calendars. Tomorrow, April 22nd at 12:25 PM (Central time), Dr. Lily Filson presents Ludovico de Varthema's Itinerary of Yemen in the 1515 Woodcuts of Jörg Breu. As part of the 45-minutes with the expert series of “Art, Empire and Exchange” course, this lecture is an introduction to the Itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema, the first-person account of a Bolognese adventurer at the turn of the fifteenth and early sixteenth century through Egypt, the Levant, Arabia, the East African coastline, India, and as far as the principal islands of modern-day Indonesia. His time spent in Yemen in the southwest Arabian Peninsula offers new insights into the Tahirid dynasty that ruled lower Yemen, the isolated Zaidi imamate of the north, and the interior cities of Ta’iz, Dhamar, Sana’a and other notable sites otherwise known only through Medieval Arabic sources.

Here is the link to the virtual event:

Zoom Meeting ID: 934 4885 7705 Passcode: Exchange

Bio: Dr. Lily Filson is a Renaissance historian with interests in transmission histories of art, technology, and thought, with a focus on the global sixteenth century. She received her MA as a Florence Fellow from Syracuse University and PhD from Ca' Foscari University in 2018. She has held fellowships from the European Research Council in Venice, Italy and the Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic; she is most recently the recipient of a Renaissance Society of America Short-Term Grant, and she has authored articles in Ancient West & East 19, Society and Politics 13.2, Studia Rudolphina: Bulletin for the Research Center of Visual Arts & Culture in the Age of Rudolph II 15, as well as book chapters in several critical editions.

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