Precious sheep protected from the evil eye by a fragment of the
plastic sole of a shoe, Arabian Moons by Pascal Maréchaux
Professional Photographers on Yemen

The beauty of Yemen, the land and the people, has been the object of photography for over a century. AIYS is committed to promoting and preserving the wealth of images available in books, magazines and more recently online. This is the first of three webpages devoted to the photographic history of Yemen. This page will sample the work of several professional photographers. A second page will be devoted to "Aspiring Photographers" and a third to "Historical Photographs."

Pascal and Maria Maréchaux
In 1979 the young French architect and photographer Pascal Maréchaux published his first of several books of photographs taken in Yemen, later in combination with the work of his wife Maria. You can learn more about their work at their website:
The following photographs, as well as the one in the header, were chosen by Pascal for this website. AIYS thanks both Pascal and Maria for their generosity in sharing these extraordinary and timeless images.

Tihāma musician in Bājil, from Villages d'Arabie Heureuse by Pascal Marechaux