Qadi al-Ansī on Yemeni Agricultural Stars
The Yemeni scholar Yahya al-Ansi has written several books on traditional Yemeni star calendars. Here are two items (and there are more)...
Qadi al-Ansī on Yemeni Agricultural Stars
Yemeni Music to the West
Athirat: New Journal on Ancient Arabia
Photographing Yemen
كتاب جديد لالعمارة الطينية الحضرمية
Slavery in Najahid and Rasulid Yemen
BitterSweet: A Book on Yemeni Food
Traveling Light in Yemen
Neolithic Fluted Points in Yemen
المعتمد في الادوية المفردة
History of Thulā
Latest Issue of Raydan
دراسات في تاريخ اليمن الاسلامي
Dostal Volume
كتاب موسوعة الألقاب اليمنية
Al-Ashraf's 13th Century Astronomical Text
Source for Arabic Books on Yemen