Marjorie Ransom on Silver Jewelry
For an interview with Marjorie, click here.
History of Hasan Pasha
جائزة عبد العزيز المقالح لطباعة الكتاب في التراث والثقافة اليمنية
Al-Bakrī on Yemen
Yemeni Antiquity Journal Online
Source for Arabic Manuscripts
Book on Yemen's History
Letters of the "Himyarites"
Taking Layla Alawi for a ride...
Yemeni Books on Yafi and Poetry
Yemeni manuscripts in Leiden
Sabaen Inscription on Healing
More Arabic Books on Yemen
Geography of Yemen and its Tribes
Berlin manuscript on Yemeni history
تاج العروس لالزبيدي
Looting Yemen's Antiquities
A Sailor and His Camel Ride
Biography of Shaykh Mujahid Haydar