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Abdulaziz al-Maqaleh Book Award 2022

In 2022 two AIYS Book Awards in honor of Abdulaziz al-Maqaleh have been chosen. PDFs of each book will be available outside Yemen for a donation when the books are published. For details, click here.

1. Ṣalāh Aḥmad Ṣāliḥ al-Faqīh

al-‘Imāra al-madaniyya al-‘Uthmāniyya fī madīnat Ṣan‘ā'

(Ottoman Civil Architecture in the City of Ṣan‘ā')

This is a study of Ottoman architecture in Ṣan‘ā' which has received limited attention. The first Ottoman occupation of Yemen was between 945/1538-1045/1635 and the second between 1265/1849-1337/1918. This work documents health facilities, hot baths, the military hospital, administrative, educational, public services, market buildings, wells and other architectural features. It also contains numerous diagrams and photographs.

2. Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Raḥim Jāzim

al-Waqfiyya al-‘Alwāniyya (The ‘Alwān Endowments)

This is an annotated edition of a rare archive that details waqf holdings for the shrine of the famous Yemeni Ṣufī Aḥmad b. ‘Alwān (d. 665/1266). The manuscript documents waqf holdings in the Ibb and Ta‘izz areas for 1342-1343 AH and 1359 AH. These were recorded during the rule of Imam Yaḥyā.

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