More Arabic Books on Yemen
There are many Arabic and Western books available on Yemen in the website Here is a collection of 68 texts.
More Arabic Books on Yemen
Bronze Age site in Hadramawt
Geography of Yemen and its Tribes
Berlin manuscript on Yemeni history
Biography of Shaykh Mujahid Haydar
History of Mocha
Rules of Barat Online
Lecture on Yemeni Inscriptions
Late 19th Century Yemeni Gabili from Ibb
New Article on Agriculture in Rasulid Zabid
Shāfi‘ī School in Yemen
Isma‘il al-Akwa‘ on the Zaydis
Lecture on South Arabian
Yemeni Tafsir Texts
South Arabian Archeology
Crown Prince Ahmad, 1947
Resource for Zaydi Books and More
The Ṣan‘ā' book of Serjeant and Lewcock
Facebook Site on Beauty of Yemen
Zigzagging Yemen in 1911