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Scholar to Scholar



At this critical time for Yemen, it is important that scholarly research on all aspects of Yemen’s rich and diverse history and culture is supported.  For the past four decades there has been considerable research in Yemen in all fields by scholars from outside Yemen and from within Yemen. AIYS has always supported collaborative research between foreign and Yemeni scholars, including our continuing fellowship program.

A major need today is to sustain Yemen’s scholarly community and also to encourage foreign researchers to continue research on Yemen.  The AIYS program, entitled "Scholar to Scholar" aims to link Yemeni scholars with researchers from other countries, including the United States. A major focus of the program is to facilitate interchange between Yemeni scholars, who are aware of new research and publication in Yemen, and our members, who have little access at present to work in Yemen.

Guidelines for the AIYS “Scholar to Scholar” Program

1.  The aim of this program is to facilitate intellectual exchange and mutual assistance between Yemeni scholars and scholars from other countries who work on Yemen.   It is voluntary and does not oblige any of the parties or involve consulting fees.

2.  Yemeni scholars face a critical shortage of funds for basic research, access to new publications outside Yemen and difficulties in attending conferences outside Yemen.  Foreign researchers currently have difficulty conducting research in Yemen and gaining access to the ongoing research of Yemeni scholars  This program will allow Yemeni and foreign scholars with similar interests to exchange ideas, help each other with research projects and possibly work together on collaborative projects (There is funding in the United States for collaborative projects.)

3.  The Internet provides a unique opportunity for scholarly exchange through academic websites like, Facebook interest groups, and other resources.  Email and Skype allow for direct communication between scholars in various parts of the world.  This program will provide information on scholars who are interested in exchanging information or working collaboratively with other scholars.  It will also facilitate access to knowledge about new published resources.

دليل برنامج المعهد الأمريكي للدراسات اليمنية للتعاون بين الباحثين اليمنيين والاجانب

١. هدف هذا البرنامج هو تسهيل التبادل الفكري والتعاون المشترك بين الباحثين اليمنين والباحثين من الدول الاخرى الذين لديهم دراسات وبحوث حول اليمن. إنه عمل طوعي غير ملزم لأي من الاطراف المشتركة في هذا البرنامج ولا يتضمن أي رسوم

٢. يواجه الباحثون اليمنيون نقصا شديدا في تمويل البحوث, والحصول على الكتب الجديدة المنشورة خارج اليمن وصعوبات المشاركة في المؤتمرات العلمية خارج اليمن. بينما يواجه الباحثون الاجانب في الوقت الراهن صعوبة اجراء البحوث في اليمن وعدم القدرة على الوصول الى البحوث التي يقوم بها الباحثون اليمنيون. هذا البرنامج سيتيح للباحثين اليمنيين والاجانب ذوي الاهتمامات المشتركة تبادل الافكار, ومساعدة بعضهم البعض في مشاريع بحوثهم  ويمكن كذلك العمل معا في مشاريع تعاونية (يوجد تمويل في الولايات المتحدة للمشاريع التعاونية)

3. يوفر الانترنت فرصة فريدة للتبادل الاكاديمي عبر المواقع الاكاديمية مثل (, ٣. والفيس بوك للجماعات المهتمة, ومصادر المعلومات الاخرى. البريد الالكتروني و(Skype) أيضا تسمح بالتواصل المباشر بين الباحثين واساتذة الجامعات  في مختلف مناطق العالم . هذا البرنامج سيوفر المعلومات حول الباحثين واساتذة الجامعات المهتمين بتبادل المعلومات أو بالعمل التعاوني مع الباحثين الاخرين. كذلك سيسهل الوصول الى معرفة  المراجع والدارسات  والكتب المنشورة حديثا


How to Find a Collaborative Scholar

Below is a list of subjects with the names of scholars who have expressed interest in collaborating with a Yemeni colleague. Following the list are the names of each scholar.  Contact information for each scholar is provided here. If you are a Yemeni scholar, find the individuals who are relevant to your research interest and contact them directly.


The master list of scholars who are available is here.

•  Agriculture and Irrigation [TAMINIAN, VARISCO]
•  Arabic dialects in Yemen [PEUTZ, WATSON]
•  Archaeology [KHALIDI, MARGARITI]
•  Architecture [MARGARITI, UM]
•  Art [UM]
•  Biography (including tabaqat literature) [KLOSS, MARGARITI]
•  Botany (medicinal plants) [VARISCO]
•  Coffee [MARGARITI]
•  Dance [ADRA]
•  Development in Yemen [ADRA, PEUTZ, PHILLIPS, VARISCO, YADOV]
•  Economics
•  Education (and Literacy)
•  Environmental Issues (water, deforestation, etc.) [PEUTZ, VARISCO]
•  Folklore and intangible heritage [ADRA, LIEBHABER, PEUTZ, VARISCO]
•  Gender and Sexuality [ADRA, KLOSS, PEUTZ, YADOV]
•  Geography [MARGARITI]
•  Geology  [KHALIDI]
•  Health Services and Traditional Medicine [WALTERS]
•  History (pre-Islamic)
•  History (early Islamic in Yemen) [KLOSS, MARGARITI]
•  History (Ayyubid and Rasulid) [KLOSS, MARGARITI, VARISCO]
•  History (Zaydi) [MARGARITI, UM]
•  History (Ottoman periods) [MARGARITI, UM]
•  History (20th century) [BRANDT, PEUTZ, YADOV]

•  Law (Islamic and Civil) [HAIDER, KLOSS, YADOV]
•  Literature (novels, etc.) [LIEBHABER, TAMINIAN]
•  Manuscripts [SCHMIDTKE]
•  Migration and disaspora [KLOSS, PEUTZ, YADOV]
•  Music
•  Politics and Political Science [KLOSS, MILLER, PHILLIPS, YADOV]
•  Proverbs [VARISCO]
•  Qat (Varisco) [VARISCO]
•  Social media (including internet) [MILLER, VARISCO]
•  Sociology [KLOSS]
•  South Arabic [LIEBHABER]
•  Tihama [KHALIDI, KLOSS, UM]
•  Travelers (Islamic and Western) [KLOSS, MARGARITI, VARISCO]
•  Tribalism and Customary Law [ADRA, BRANDT, KLOSS, YADOV]

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