AIYS is pleased to announce that the 2021 ‘Abd al-‘Azīz al-Maqaliḥ Book Award is published and now available. His book entitled al-Rusūm al-ādamiyya al-ṣakhriyya fī al-Yaman al-qadīm (Human Rock Drawings in Ancient Yemen). The book is based on the author's Ph.D. dissertation in the Department of Archaeology at Ṣan‘ā' University. The book focuses on the rock art found in ancient Yemen and how to interpret these drawings based on ancient Yemeni religious beliefs and mythology. The book is available in hard copy in Yemen, but scholars outside Yemen may order a pdf copy for a donation of at least $25 to the AIYS Book Award fund. This donation will only be used for future book awards. For details on the book and how to order it, click here.