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Yemeni Tafsir Texts
كتاب : التفسير في اليمن . " عرض ودراسة " تأليف : د. علي بن حسان. ازدهرت المكتبة الإسلامية بعدد من العلماء والمؤلفات في مجال التفسير ،...
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South Arabian Archeology
The new edition of al-Fayṣal Magazine has an article by Husayn al-Aydarus on South Arabia, as well as a number of articles on the...
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Crown Prince Ahmad, 1947
Two photographs taken in 1947 of then Crown Prince Ahmad in Taiz. (Source: Andrew Wheatcroft, Arabia and the Gulf: In Original...
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Resource for Zaydi Books and More
There is an amazing resource online with pdfs of books on Zaydi Islam, but also other books related to Yemen including the geographical...
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The Ṣan‘ā' book of Serjeant and Lewcock
One of the best books ever published about Yemen in English is the masterful set of articles on the city of Ṣan‘ā', edited by R. B....
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Facebook Site on Beauty of Yemen
There are a number of Facebook sites featuring photographs of the beauty of Yemen. Yemen Art & Architecture is especially nice. This...
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Zigzagging Yemen in 1911
In 1911 a book was published by an American missionary who traveled across Arabia and had visited Yemen as early as 1890 when the British...
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al-Bakīriyya Mosque over the years
Several photographs of the Bakīriyya Mosque in Ṣan‘ā' have been uploaded on the Facebook Site of Yūsuf Maḥyūb al-Ṭiyār. The Bakīriyya...
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Rasulid diplomatic letters
Historian Frédéric Bauden, Professor of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at Liège University and a noted scholar of the Mamluk author...
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Kitāb al-Tījān Manuscripts
On his Facebook site, Mohammed Atboush has uploaded research on the manuscript copies of the Yemeni history Kitāb al-Tījān fī mulūk...
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Yemeni Manuscripts in Princeton
Princeton University has digitized many of its manuscripts and they are available online. The Garrett collection has 2,469 Arabic...
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Yemenite Jews in Ottoman Yemen
The historian Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman has just published a study on Jews in Ottoman Yemen in an edited volume. Below is the first page....
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Weights and Measures in Rasulid Yemen
Daniel Martin Varisco, former AIYS President, presented a paper entitled "Not Your Average Raṭl: Weights and Measures in Rasulid Yemen"...
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Source for Books on Zaydi Islam
The website alzaidiya has a major collection of books on the Zaydis, Yemen in general, tribes and a variety of texts on Islam and the...
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Kawkaban and Imam Sharaf al-Din
This article is currently available for open access at the website.
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