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Aden's Musical Past

British-Yemeni Society Lecture by Zoom

YEMENI CULTURE: AN EXPLORATION OF ADENI MUSIC IN THE LATE COLONIAL PERIOD Thursday, 2nd December 2021 6.30pm London; 1.30pm New York; 7.30pm Berlin; 9.30pm Yemen An event presented by Musician and Scholar Gabriel Lavin (University of California, Los Angeles) Introduction by James Firebrace, Chair, British Yemeni Society Q & A hosted by Taher Ali Qasimi, Vice Chair, British Yemeni Society Join BYS and Gabriel Lavin as we explore music in Yemen during the late colonial period from roughly 1930 to 1960. Aden was a cosmopolitan Indian Ocean port at this time with large communities of Somalis, Indians, Arabs and other peoples from the Indian Ocean region and beyond. This diversity was reflected in the commercial production of Adeni music during the period, a production that involved several record companies. A selection of these recordings will be played during the presentation featuring musicians Muhammad al-Lahaji, Ibrahim al-Mas and Muhammad Jumah Khan, who played a wide variety of Lahaji, Sana'ani, Hadhrami, Indian, Egyptian and other musical styles. Gabriel will also explore some of the ways that music was the centre of debates about national identity and culture in Yemen in the late colonial period while also showing some of the ways that Adeni music and its record industry was influential in the development of popular Khaliji (Gulf) music later in the twentieth century. To join the lecture please use the zoom link:

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