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Aden Hinterland Freed?

"A picturesque ceremony took place recently {1919] at Lahej, the capital of the Aden hinterland, on the occasion of the restoration to his throne, under British auspices, of the Sultan, Sir Abdul Karim ibn Fadthli ibn Ali, K.C.I.E. He succeeded to the throne on January 1, 1918, and was recognized as Sultan by the British Government, but it was only lately that he was installed after the evacuation of Lahej by the Turks. There were some 7000 Turkish troops in the Aden hinterland and southern Yemen, and for some time after the armistice granted to Turkey, it is said they refused to evacuate those territories, believing the news to be a hoax. Special envoys had to be sent from Constantinople to convince them, and they have since surrendered and have been shipped out of the country."

from The Illustrated London News, March 1, 1919– 293.

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